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Singlas Calibration Services products

Page 3 of about 824 results
Top Brands for Singlas Calibration Services
S$ 350.00
Rs Pro SAC2001423 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2001423, Temperature Calibrator (rtd + Tc)
S$ 84.00
Rs Pro SACILOM-508A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Milliohm Meter ILOM-508A
S$ 168.00
Rs Pro SACIM-730 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, IM-730 Handheld Hygrometer
S$ 112.00
Tempmate SACB2 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, B2 1-channel Temperature Data Logger
S$ 112.00
Tempmate SACB3 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, B3 1-channel Temperature Data Logger
S$ 210.00
Tenma SAC21-10125 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 21-10125 Eu, Digital Hot Air Station
S$ 140.00
Tenma SAC72-13210 DC SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 72-13210 Dc Electronic Load 300W
S$ 168.00
Sato SACSK-L200 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, SK-L200 Th Iia & SK-LTH II-2 Temperature and Humidity Datalogger
S$ 210.00
Seaward SACRM6 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Cropico RM6 Decade Resistance Box
S$ 280.00
Seaward SACRM8 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Cropico RM8 Decade Resistance Box
S$ 392.00
Sefram SAC9816B SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 9816B 4-Channel Datalogging Thermometer
S$ 350.00
Sense SACTC65M SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, TC65M Temperature Calibrator
S$ 280.00
Sew SACDecade Resistance SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Decade Resistance Box, 100KΩ to 1GΩ Tolerance: +/- 2% (full 40 Points Test)
S$ 252.00
Siemens SACSMART 7KT SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Smart 7KT Multifunction Meter
S$ 98.00
Texio SACPD18-20AD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PD18-20AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 98.00
Texio SACPD18-30AD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PD18-30AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 98.00
Texio SACPD36-10AD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PD36-10AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 98.00
Texio SACPD36-20AD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PD36-20AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 98.00
Texio SACPD56-10AD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PD56-10AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 168.00
Thermopro SACTP50 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, TP50 Temperature and Humidity Monitor
S$ 210.00
Thermoprobe SACTP9 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, TP9 Petroleum Gauging Thermometer (-40 to +204°C)
S$ 168.00
Thermoworks SACThermaData SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Thermadata Wifi Temperature and Humidity Logger
S$ 196.00
Time Electronics SAC1006 DC SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 1006 Dc Millivolt Source
S$ 140.00
Toa SACZM-104 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, ZM-104A Impedance Meter
S$ 84.00
Soundtech SACEM-392 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, EM-392 Digital Multimeter
S$ 63.00
Tradequip SAC4025 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 4025 Brake Disc Rotor Caliper (100mm)
S$ 420.00
Triplett SACEM300 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, EM300 10-In-1 Environmental Meter, %rh, Temperature, TC-K, Lux & Air Velocity
S$ 210.00
Triplett SACRHDL40 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, RHDL40 Humidity, Temperature & Barometric Pressure Datalogger
S$ 224.00
Tti SACCPX200 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, CPX200 - Dual 175 Watt Dc Power Supply
S$ 224.00
Tti SACCPX200D SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, CPX200D - Dual 360 Watt Dc Power Supply
S$ 224.00
Tti SACCPX200D SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, CPX200DP - Dual 360 Watt Dc Power Supply
S$ 224.00
Tti SACCPX400D SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, CPX400D - Dual 840 Watt Powerflex Dc Power Supply
S$ 224.00
Tti SACCPX400DP SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, CPX400DP - Dual 840 Watt Powerflex Dc Power Supply
S$ 140.00
Tti SACCPX400S SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, CPX400S - 420 Watt Powerflex Dc Power Supply
S$ 140.00
Tti SACCPX400SP SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, CPX400SP - 420 Watt Powerflex Dc Power Supply
S$ 168.00
Tti SACEX354RD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, EX354RD Bench Power Supply
S$ 224.00
Tti SACEX354RT SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, EX354RT Bench Power Supply
S$ 112.00
Tti SACEX355P SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, EX355P Bench Power Supply, Mixed Mode Regulated, Adjustable, 1 Output, 0 V, 35 V, 0 A, 5 A
S$ 224.00
Tti SACQL355TP SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, QL355TP Bench Power Supply, 3 Output, 0 V, 35 V, 0 A, 5 A
S$ 168.00
Tti SACQPX1200S SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, QPX1200S Bench Power Supply
S$ 196.00
Twintex SACPCH600-15H SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PCH600-15H, D.c. Power Supply, 1500V/400mA
S$ 168.00
UbiBot-WS1Pro SACUBIWS1PRO SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, UBIWS1PRO Wifi Temperature Humidity Data Logger (excluding Light)
S$ 168.00
UbiBot-WS1Pro SACUBIWS1PRO SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, UBIWS1PRO Wifi Temperature Humidity Light Data Logger
S$ 168.00
UNI-T SACUT210E SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, UT210E Mini Clamp Meter
S$ 84.00
Uni-T SACUT33A+ SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, UT33A+ Digital Multimeter
S$ 210.00
Uni-T SACUT373 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, UT373 Mini Tachometer
S$ 168.00
Vaisala SACHM40 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, HM40 Series Hand-held Humidity and Temperature Meter (HM41/HM42/HM45/HM46)
S$ 210.00
Vaisala SACHMD110 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, HMD110/112 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter
S$ 210.00
Vaisala SACHMD62 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, HMD62 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter
S$ 168.00
Vaisala SACHMI41 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, HMI41 / HMP45 Portable Humidity & Temp Meter
S$ 168.00
Vaisala SACHMP75 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, HMP75 RH/TEMP Probe & MI70 Indicator
S$ 168.00
Vaisala SACMM70 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MM70 (MMP78 Probe & MI70 Indicator) Hand-held Humidity and Temperature Meter
S$ 168.00
Victor SACVC60B+ SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, VC60B+ Digital Megohmmeter
S$ 112.00
Vwr SAC62379 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 62379 Extra-Large Lcd Digital Stopwatch
S$ 168.00
Msr SACMSR 165 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Msr 165 Universal Data Logger, Temperature, Humidity
S$ 392.00
Mte SACCALPORT 300 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Calport 300 Electricity Meter and Instrument Transformer Test System
S$ 168.00
Multi SACALCL-80X SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, ALCL-80X Leakage Current Clamp Tester
S$ 168.00
Multi SACRLM-10 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, RLM-10 Flexible Leakage Current Meter
S$ 210.00
Multicomp Pro SACMP710066 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MP710066 3-channel Linear Dc Power Supply
S$ 210.00
Multicomp Pro SACMP710067 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MP710067 3-channel Linear Dc Power Supply