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Singlas Calibration Services products

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Top Brands for Singlas Calibration Services
S$ 266.00
Cetm Calibration SACCX402-T Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Intemp CX402-T
S$ 84.00
Cetm Calibration SACCX403 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Intemp CX403
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACCX450 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Intemp CX450
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACMX1101 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX1101
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACMX1102 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX1102
S$ 84.00
Cetm Calibration SACMX2201 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2201
S$ 84.00
Cetm Calibration SACMX2202 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2202
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACMX2301 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2301 Logger (internal Temp/RH) -40 to 70°C
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACMX2302 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2302 Logger (external Temp/RH) -40 to 70°C
S$ 126.00
Cetm Calibration SACMX2303 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2303 Logger (2x External Temp) -40 to 100°C
S$ 84.00
Cetm Calibration SACMX2304 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2304 Logger (external Temp) -40 to 100°C
S$ 84.00
Cetm Calibration SACMX2305 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2305 Logger (internal Temp) -40 to 70°C
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACU12-012 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo U12-012 Temp/RH/Light External Data Logger
S$ 210.00
Cetm Calibration SACU12-015 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo U12-015
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACUX100-003 Onset SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo UX100-003
S$ 280.00
Cetm Calibration SACXi 80 Optris SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Xi 80 Spot Finder Ir Camera
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACCWT60 Pem SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, CWT60 Ac Current Probe
S$ 504.00
Cetm Calibration SACTC-08 Pico SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Usb TC-08, 8-Channel Thermocouple Data Logger
S$ 98.00
Cetm Calibration SACCVM-780 Prostat SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, CVM-780 Contact Voltmeter
S$ 140.00
Cetm Calibration SACRND 320-KA3005P Rnd Lab SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Rnd 320-KA3005P - Bench Top Power Supply, 30V, 5A, 150W
S$ 280.00
Cetm Calibration SACNGP804 Rohde & Schwarz SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, NGP804 4-Channel Power Supply
S$ 252.00
Cetm Calibration SAC272 Rosemount SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 272 Field Calibrator
S$ 210.00
Cetm Calibration SACHF520 Rotronic SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, HF520 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter (output 4-20mA)
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACHL-1D Rotronic SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, HL-1D Datalogger
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACHL-20D Rotronic SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, HL-20D Datalogger
S$ 280.00
Cetm Calibration (2)SACITS1000 Acision SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, ITS1000 Intelligent Temperature System Camera
S$ 350.00
Cetm Calibration SAC3237 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3237 Digital Hi-Tester
S$ 350.00
Cetm Calibration SAC3238 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3238 Digital Hi-Tester
S$ 350.00
Cetm Calibration SAC3239 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3239 Digital Hi-Tester
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SAC3280-10 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3280-10 Ac Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SAC3280-20 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3280-20 Ac Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SAC3289 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3289 Ac Clamp Meter
S$ 84.00
Cetm Calibration SACDT4212 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, DT4212 Digital Multimeter
S$ 98.00
Cetm Calibration SACDT4253 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, DT4253 Digital Multimeter
S$ 210.00
Cetm Calibration SACFT3700 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, FT3700-20 Infrared Thermometer
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACIR4051 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, IR4051 Digital Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACIR4052 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, IR4052 Digital Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACIR4053 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, IR4053 Digital Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACIR4056 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, IR4056 Digital Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACIR4057 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, IR4057 1kV Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACIR4057 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, IR4057 Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SACLR5001 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, LR5001 Temperature and Humidity Logger
S$ 896.00
Cetm Calibration SACMR8875 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MR8875 Memory Hicorder
S$ 490.00
Cetm Calibration SACMR8880 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MR8880 Memory Hicorder
S$ 490.00
Cetm Calibration SACPQ3198 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PQ3198 (incl -92 or -94) Power Quality Analyzer
S$ 406.00
Cetm Calibration SACPW3335 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PW3335 Power Meter
S$ 490.00
Cetm Calibration SACPW3337 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PW3337 Power Meter, 3-Channel
S$ 490.00
Cetm Calibration SACPW3360 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PW3360 Clamp on Power Logger
S$ 490.00
Cetm Calibration SACPW3365 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PW3365 Clamp on Power Logger
S$ 140.00
Cetm Calibration SACRM3544 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, RM3544 Resistance Meter
S$ 140.00
Cetm Calibration SACRM3548 Hioki SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, RM3548 Resistance Meter
S$ 84.00
Cetm Calibration SACTN-2500 Hisamatsu SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, TN-2500 Thermo-hygrograph
S$ 210.00
Cetm Calibration SACIT-545N Horiba SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, IT-545N Radiation Thermometer
S$ 168.00
Cetm Calibration SAC8072A Hydrodynamics SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 8072A Portable Dew Point Monitor
S$ 420.00
Cetm Calibration SAC4953 Isotech SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Calisto 4953 Temperature Calibrator, 30°C to 250°C
S$ 210.00
Cetm Calibration SAC1504 Fluke SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 1504 Thermometer Readout
S$ 392.00
Cetm Calibration SAC1523 Fluke SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 1523 Reference Thermometer
S$ 392.00
Cetm Calibration SAC1524 Fluke SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 1524 Reference Thermometer
S$ 210.00
Cetm Calibration SAC1551A Fluke SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 1551A Stik Thermometer
S$ 210.00
Cetm Calibration SAC1552A Fluke SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 1552A Stik Thermometer