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Singlas Calibration Services products

Page 7 of about 824 results
Top Brands for Singlas Calibration Services
S$ 140.00
Keysight SACE3643A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, E3643A 50W Single Power Supply
S$ 140.00
Keysight SACE3644A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, E3644A 80W Single Power Supply
S$ 140.00
Keysight SACE3645A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, E3645A 80W Single Power Supply
S$ 224.00
Keysight SACE3646A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, E3646A 60W Dual Power Supply
S$ 224.00
Keysight SACE3647A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, E3647A 60W Dual Power Supply
S$ 224.00
Keysight SACE3648A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, E3648A 100W Dual Power Supply
S$ 224.00
Keysight SACE3649A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, E3649A 100W Dual Power Supply
S$ 168.00
Keysight SACU1191A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, U1191A Handheld Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Keysight SACU1192A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, U1192A Handheld Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Keysight SACU1193A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, U1193A Handheld Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Keysight SACU1194A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, U1194A Handheld Clamp Meter
S$ 140.00
Keysight SACU1251B SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, U1251B Handheld Digital Multimeter, 4 ½ Digit
S$ 140.00
Keysight SACU1281A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, U1281A Handheld Digital Multimeter, 60,000-count
S$ 140.00
Keysight SACU1282A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, U1282A Handheld Digital Multimeter, 60,000-count
S$ 210.00
Keysight SACU1451A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, U1451A Insulation Resistance Tester, 250 V to 1 Kv
S$ 98.00
Kikusui SACPWR1201ML SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PWR1201ML (0-80V 0-60A 1200W) Programmable Bench Dc Power Supply
S$ 448.00
Keithley SAC2000 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2000 6½-Digit Multimeter
S$ 588.00
Keithley SAC2001 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2001 7½-Digit High Performance Multimeter
S$ 588.00
Keithley SAC2010 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2010 7½-Digit Multimeter
S$ 448.00
Keithley SAC2100 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2100 6½-Digit Usb Multimeter
S$ 392.00
Keithley SAC2110 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2110 5½-Digit Dual-Display Digital Multimeter
S$ 252.00
Keithley SAC2231A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2231A-30-3 195W Triple Channel Dc Power Supply
S$ 448.00
Keithley SAC2400 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2400 Sourcemeter
S$ 448.00
Keithley SAC2410 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2410 Sourcemeter
S$ 448.00
Keithley SAC2700 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2700 Multimeter/Data Acquisition/Switch Systems
S$ 210.00
Keithley SAC580 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 580 Micro Ohmmeter
S$ 364.00
Keithley SAC7700 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 7700 20-Channel Multiplexer Card
S$ 98.00
Kenwood SACPD110-3AD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PD110-3AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 168.00
Kewtech SACKT35 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, KT35 Digital Insulation/Continuity Tester
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC2007A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2007A Digi Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC2009A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2009A Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC2009R AC/DC SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2009R AC/DC Clamp Meter
S$ 588.00
Kyoritsu SAC2010 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2010 Digital Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC2017 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2017 Digital Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC2031 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2031 Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC2033 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2033 AC/DC Digital Clamp Meter
S$ 168.00
Megger SACBM11D SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, BM11D Insulation Tester S/No. 1247 0697
S$ 154.00
Megger SACBM222 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, BM222 Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC3007A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3007A Insulation Tester
S$ 210.00
Kyoritsu SAC3132A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3132A Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC3161A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3161A Analog Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC3165 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3165 Analog Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC3166 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 3166 Analog Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Megger SACBM223 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, BM223 Digital Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Megger SACBM403/2 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, BM403/2 Insulation & Contnuity Tester
S$ 210.00
Megger SACBMM80 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, BMM80 Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Megger SACMIT310 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MIT310 Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Megger SACMIT320 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MIT320 Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Megger SACMIT400 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MIT400 Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Megger SACMIT40X SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MIT40X Insulation Tester
S$ 168.00
Megger SACMIT410 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MIT410 Insulation Tester
S$ 210.00
Megger SACMIT420 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MIT420 Insulation Tester
S$ 210.00
Megger SACMIT430 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MIT430 Insulation Tester
S$ 210.00
Megger SACMIT481 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MIT481 Insulation Tester
S$ 210.00
Megger SACMIT485 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, MIT485 Insulation Tester
S$ 210.00
MicroStep-MIS SACRHT175 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, RHT175 Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC8123 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 8123 Clamp Sensor AC1000A (load Current)
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC8146 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 8146 Clamp Sensor AC30A (leakage Current and Load Current)
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC8147 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 8147 Clamp Sensor AC70A (leakage Current and Load Current)
S$ 168.00
Kyoritsu SAC8148 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 8148 Clamp Sensor AC100A (leakage Current and Load Current)