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Singlas Calibration Services products

Page 2 of about 824 results
Top Brands for Singlas Calibration Services
S$ 308.00
Extech SACSDL500 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, SDL500 Hygro-Thermometer
S$ 182.00
Extech SACTM100 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, TM100 Type K/J Single Input Thermometer
S$ 294.00
Bk Precision SAC9174B SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 9174B Programmable Dual-Range Dc Power Supply, 2 Outputs
S$ 196.00
Bk Precision SAC9181B SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 9181B Programmable Dual-Range Dc Power Supply
S$ 196.00
Bk Precision SAC9182B SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 9182B Programmable Dual-Range Dc Power Supply
S$ 196.00
Bk Precision SAC9183B SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 9183B Programmable Dual-Range Dc Power Supply
S$ 196.00
Bk Precision SAC9184B SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 9184B Programmable Dual-Range Dc Power Supply
S$ 196.00
Bk Precision SAC9185B SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 9185B Programmable Dual-Range Dc Power Supply
S$ 168.00
Blue Gizmo SACAZ-HT-02 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, AZ-HT-02 Thermo Hygro Meter
S$ 84.00
Blue Gizmo SACBG-TM100 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, BG-TM100 Digital Freezer-Fridge-Thermometer
S$ 210.00
Burster SAC1240-100 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 1240-100 Calibration Resistor
S$ 280.00
Flir SACA65 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, A65 Compact Thermal Imaging Cameras for Machine Vision
S$ 280.00
Flir SACT1020 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, T1020 Hd Thermal Imaging Camera
S$ 280.00
Flir SACT460 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, T460 Thermal Imaging Camera
S$ 280.00
Flir SACT530 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, T530 Thermal Imaging Camera
S$ 168.00
Cem SACDT-321S SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, DT-321S Humidity & Temperature Meter
S$ 210.00
Cem SACDT-3321 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, DT-3321 Dew point/Wet Bulb /Psychrometer
S$ 210.00
Cem SACDT-3322 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, DT-3322 Dew point/Wet Bulb /Psychrometer
S$ 84.00
Cem SACDT-965T SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, DT-965T Heavy Duty Industrial Digital Multimeter
S$ 210.00
Center SAC376 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 376 Precision Rtd Thermometer
S$ 168.00
Onset SACMX2302 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2302 Logger (external Temp/RH) -40 to 70°C
S$ 126.00
Onset SACMX2303 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2303 Logger (2x External Temp) -40 to 100°C
S$ 84.00
Onset SACMX2304 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2304 Logger (external Temp) -40 to 100°C
S$ 84.00
Onset SACMX2305 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo MX2305 Logger (internal Temp) -40 to 70°C
S$ 168.00
Onset SACU12-012 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo U12-012 Temp/RH/Light External Data Logger
S$ 210.00
Onset SACU12-015 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo U12-015
S$ 168.00
Onset SACUX100-003 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Hobo UX100-003
S$ 280.00
Optris SACXi 80 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Xi 80 Spot Finder Ir Camera
S$ 98.00
Prostat SACCVM-780 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, CVM-780 Contact Voltmeter
S$ 280.00
Rohde & Schwarz SACNGP804 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, NGP804 4-Channel Power Supply
S$ 252.00
Rosemount SAC272 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 272 Field Calibrator
S$ 112.00
Tecnogi SAC1006-600A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 1006-600A Torque Wrench 12-68Nm
S$ 350.00
Rs Pro SAC2001423 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 2001423, Temperature Calibrator (rtd + Tc)
S$ 168.00
Sato SACSK-L200 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, SK-L200 Th Iia & SK-LTH II-2 Temperature and Humidity Datalogger
S$ 210.00
Seaward SACRM6 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Cropico RM6 Decade Resistance Box
S$ 280.00
Seaward SACRM8 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Cropico RM8 Decade Resistance Box
S$ 392.00
Sefram SAC9816B SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 9816B 4-Channel Datalogging Thermometer
S$ 350.00
Sense SACTC65M SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, TC65M Temperature Calibrator
S$ 280.00
Sew SACDecade Resistance SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Decade Resistance Box, 100KΩ to 1GΩ Tolerance: +/- 2% (full 40 Points Test)
S$ 252.00
Siemens SACSMART 7KT SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, Smart 7KT Multifunction Meter
S$ 196.00
Tektronix SACAFG320 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, AFG320 Dual-Channel Arbitrary Function Generator
S$ 448.00
Tektronix SACDMM4050 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, DMM4050 Digital Multimeter
S$ 252.00
Simpson SAC228 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 228 Current Leakage Tester
S$ 112.00
Tempmate SACB2 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, B2 1-channel Temperature Data Logger
S$ 112.00
Tempmate SACB3 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, B3 1-channel Temperature Data Logger
S$ 210.00
Tenma SAC21-10125 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 21-10125 Eu, Digital Hot Air Station
S$ 140.00
Tenma SAC72-13210 DC SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 72-13210 Dc Electronic Load 300W
S$ 210.00
Tes SAC1350A SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 1350A Sound Level Meter
S$ 140.00
Testo SAC174T SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 174T Mini Temperature Data Logger
S$ 168.00
Testo SAC175H2 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 175H2 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger
S$ 392.00
Testo SAC400 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 400 Universal Iaq Instrument (base Unit Only)
S$ 210.00
Testo SAC440 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 440 Air Velocity & Iaq Indicator
S$ 168.00
Testo SAC608-H2 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 608-H2 Thermohygrometer
S$ 168.00
Testo SAC610 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 610 Thermohygrometer
S$ 308.00
Testo SAC735-2 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, 735-2 Multichannel Thermometer
S$ 280.00
Testo SACFLK-Ti100 SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, FLK-Ti100 9Hz Thermal Imager
S$ 98.00
Texio SACPD110-3AD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PD110-3AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 98.00
Texio SACPD110-5AD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PD110-5AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 98.00
Texio SACPD18-10AD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PD18-10AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 98.00
Texio SACPD18-20AD SAC-SINGLAS Calibration by Cetm, PD18-20AD Dc Power Supply