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Weight, Force & Pressure Gauges products

Page 5 of about 810 results
Top Brands for Weight, Force & Pressure Gauges
S$ 2,776.80
Fluke FLUKE-700G05 Pressure Gauge -30 Psig
S$ 2,776.80
Fluke FLUKE-700G02 Pressure Gauge -30" to 30" Wc (1 Psig)
S$ 2,776.80
Fluke FLUKE-700G10 Pressure Gauge 2000 Psig
S$ 104.34
Kennedy KEN5184300K Surface Gauge With 9" & 12" Pillars
S$ 17.08
Kennedy KEN2598280K Pressure Gauge 40MM Dia.x 0-4 Bar
S$ 2,776.80
Fluke FLUKE-700G29 Pressure Gauge 3000 Psig
S$ 2,776.80
Fluke FLUKE-700G30 Pressure Gauge 5000 Psig
S$ 3,163.88
Fluke FLUKE-700RG06 Pressure Gauge Reference 100 Psig
S$ 2,776.80
Fluke FLUKE-700G08 Pressure Gauge 1000 Psig
S$ 2,776.80
Fluke FLUKE-700GA6 Pressure Gauge (absolute) 100 Psia
S$ 3,163.88
Fluke FLUKE-700RG08 Pressure Gauge Reference 1000 Psig
S$ 41.55
Festo 540781 Pressure Gauge Kit DPA-40-10-MA-SET
S$ 58.69
Kennedy KEN3007100K Plunger Dial Gauge 0.5X0.001"X0-50-0
S$ 62.42
Kennedy KEN3007500K Plunger Dial Gauge 10X0.01MMX0-100
S$ 63.97
Oxford Precision OXD3008500K Plunger Dial Gauge 10MMX0.01MMX0-100
S$ 69.68
Festo 526098 Pressure Gauge Kit DPA-100-10-MA-SET
S$ 25.62
Festo 356759 MA-50-16-1/4 Pressure Gauge
S$ 69.68
Festo 526099 Pressure Gauge Kit DPA-100-16-MA-SET
S$ 69.68
Festo 526096 Pressure Gauge Kit DPA-63-10-MA-SET
S$ 69.68
Festo 526097 Pressure Gauge Kit DPA-63-16-MA-SET
S$ 18.32
Kennedy KEN2598360K Pressure Gauge 0-4 Bar 50MM Diameter
S$ 23.80
Kennedy KEN2598360K Pressure Gauge 0-4 Bar 50MM Diameter
S$ 22.12
Kennedy KEN2598240K Pressure Gauge 40MM Dia.x 0-12 Bar
S$ 47.85
Kennedy KEN5192040K Feeler Stock 25FT Coil 0.002"X1/2"
S$ 47.85
Kennedy KEN5192120K Feeler Stock 25FT Coil 0.006"X1/2"
S$ 166.43
Kennedy KEN5038520K Heavy Duty Air Line Gauge Long Type Zinc Body
S$ 14.89
Kennedy KEN5181176K Telescopic Gauge 'c' 19-32MM
S$ 47.85
Kennedy KEN5193050K Feeler Stock 7.6M Coil 0.05MMX12.7MM
S$ 176.11
Kennedy KEN3008020K Lever Dial Gauge 0.8X0.01MMX0-40-0 Jewelled
S$ 47.85
Kennedy KEN5192100K Feeler Stock 25FT Coil 0.005"X1/2"
S$ 76.03
Kennedy KEN3007100K Plunger Dial Gauge 0.5X0.001"X0-50-0
S$ 47.85
Kennedy KEN5193500K Feeler Stock 6.1M Coil 0.50MMX12.7MM
S$ 47.85
Kennedy KEN5192500K Feeler Stock 20FT Coil 0.025"X1/2"
S$ 47.85
Kennedy KEN5192060K Feeler Stock 25FT Coil 0.003"X1/2"
S$ 106.98
Kennedy KEN3007170K Plunger Dial Gauge 1X0.0005"X0-50
S$ 47.85
Kennedy KEN5192400K Feeler Stock 20FT Coil 0.020"X1/2"
S$ 16.48
Kennedy KEN5181177K Telescopic Gauge 'd' 32-54MM
S$ 63.58
Kennedy KEN5192030K Feeler Stock 25FT Coil 0.0015"X1/2"
S$ 47.85
Kennedy KEN5192080K Feeler Stock 25FT Coil 0.004"X1/2"
S$ 50.71
Kennedy KEN5192300K Feeler Stock 25FT Coil 0.015"X1/2"
S$ 62.32
Kennedy KEN5193100K Feeler Stock 7.6M Coil 0.10MMX12.7MM
S$ 62.32
Kennedy KEN5193200K Feeler Stock 7.6M Coil 0.20MMX12.7MM
S$ 80.82
Kennedy KEN3007500K Plunger Dial Gauge 10X0.01MMX0-100
S$ 84.86
Kennedy KEN3007160K Plunger Dial Gauge 1X0.001"X0-100
S$ 62.74
Kennedy KEN5181130K Met. Drill & Drill Rod Gauge 1.5-12.5MM
S$ 62.32
Kennedy KEN5193030K Feeler Stock 7.6M Coil 0.03MMX12.7MM
S$ 135.15
Kennedy KEN5184300K Surface Gauge With 9" & 12" Pillars
S$ 22.12
Kennedy KEN2598280K Pressure Gauge 40MM Dia.x 0-4 Bar
S$ 148.60
M0039 Pressure Gauge for KEN9855000K
S$ 649.82
Elora 5020 Tire Inflator Gauged
S$ 207.20
Elora 1557 Precision Dial Mini Indicator
S$ 865.81
Elora 5020 Tire Inflator Gauged
S$ 156.43
Elora 1555 Precision Dial Indicator
S$ 241.45
Elora 1565 Universal Magnetic Dial Gauge Stand
S$ 276.10
Elora 1557 Precision Dial Mini Indicator
S$ 893.39
Elora 5020 Tire Inflator Gauged
S$ 161.34
Elora 1555 Precision Dial Indicator
S$ 249.13
Elora 1565 Universal Magnetic Dial Gauge Stand
S$ 284.87
Elora 1557 Precision Dial Mini Indicator
S$ 108.83
Dial Indicator Mitutoyo 2109S-10 (0.001MM)