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Traceable Calibration Services products

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Top Brands for Traceable Calibration Services
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CALTBS1202C Tektronix Traceable Calibration by Cetm, TBS1202C Digital Storage Oscilloscope
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CALTDS1001B Tektronix Traceable Calibration by Cetm, TDS1001B Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 40Mhz
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CALTDS1002 Tektronix Traceable Calibration by Cetm, TDS1002 Digital Storage Oscilloscope
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CALTDS1002B Tektronix Traceable Calibration by Cetm, TDS1002B Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 60 Mhz
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CALTDS1012 Tektronix Traceable Calibration by Cetm, TDS1012 Digital Storage Oscilloscope
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CALTDS1012B Tektronix Traceable Calibration by Cetm, TDS1012B Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 2 Chan, 100MHz
S$ 60.00
Cetm Calibration CALAPM-AMP-APO Trumeter Traceable Calibration by Cetm, APM-AMP-APO Amp Meter
S$ 60.00
Cetm Calibration CALAPM-VOLT-APO Trumeter Traceable Calibration by Cetm, APM-VOLT-APO Volt Meter
S$ 150.00
Cetm Calibration CAL32-34-36 Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, Questempº 32-34-36 Area Heat Stress Monitor
S$ 160.00
Cetm Calibration CAL5725 Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 5725 Vane Anemometer
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CAL5815 DP Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 5815 DP-Calc™ Micromanometer
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CAL5825 DP Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 5825 DP-Calc™ Micromanometer
S$ 240.00
Cetm Calibration CAL8380 Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 8380 Accubalance Air Capture Hood
S$ 150.00
Cetm Calibration CAL8455 Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 8455 Air Velocity Transducer
S$ 150.00
Cetm Calibration CAL8465 Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 8465 Air Velocity Transducer
S$ 150.00
Cetm Calibration CAL8475 Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 8475 Air Velocity Transducer
S$ 160.00
Cetm Calibration CAL9515 Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 9515 Air Velocity Meter, Anemometer
S$ 160.00
Cetm Calibration CAL9535 Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 9535 Air Velocity Meter, Anemometer
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CAL9545 Tsi Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 9545 Air Velocity Meter, Anemometer
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CAL32 Tes Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 32 Battery Capacity Tester
S$ 150.00
Cetm Calibration CAL52A Tes Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 52A Sound Level Meter
S$ 80.00
Cetm Calibration CALT-10 Tesa Technology Traceable Calibration by Cetm, Twin T-10 Portable Display With Gt 31 Lever Probe, Digital Dial Indicator (0 - 5mm)
S$ 200.00
Cetm Calibration CAL0560 4354 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 0560 4354 Multifunction Indoor Air Quality Meter
S$ 130.00
Cetm Calibration CAL0632 1025 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 0632 1025 Digital Probe, Velocity, Temperature (excl. Indicator, Eg. 435/440 - Sys Cal)
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CAL0632 1535 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 0632 1535 Digital Probe, Velocity, Temperature & Humidity Sensor (excl. Indicator, Eg. 435/440 - Sys Cal)
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CAL0632 1552 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 0632 1552 Digital CO2 Probe, Temperature & Humidity Sensor (excl. Indicator, Eg. 435/440 - Sys Cal)
S$ 240.00
Cetm Calibration CALEBT730 Tsi Alnor Traceable Calibration by Cetm, Micromanometer EBT730
S$ 130.00
Cetm Calibration CAL0635 9535 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 0635 9535 Telescopic Vane Probe (exclude Indicator)
S$ 160.00
Cetm Calibration CALCPX200D Tti Traceable Calibration by Cetm, CPX200DP - Dual 360 Watt Dc Power Supply
S$ 100.00
Cetm Calibration CAL174T Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 174T Mini Temperature Data Logger
S$ 120.00
Cetm Calibration CAL175H2 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 175H2 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger
S$ 100.00
Cetm Calibration CALCPX400S Tti Traceable Calibration by Cetm, CPX400S - 420 Watt Powerflex Dc Power Supply
S$ 220.00
Cetm Calibration CAL420 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 420 Volume Flow Hood
S$ 130.00
Cetm Calibration CAL425 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 425 Thermal Anemometer
S$ 120.00
Cetm Calibration CAL435-2 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 435-2 Multi-function Indoor Air Quality Meter With 0636 9735 Humidity/Temp Probe
S$ 150.00
Cetm Calibration CAL440 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 440 Air Velocity & Iaq Indicator
S$ 330.00
Cetm Calibration CAL440 dP Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 440 Dp Air Velocity & Iaq Indicator
S$ 150.00
Cetm Calibration CAL470 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 470 Digital Tachometer
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CAL510 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 510 Differential Pressure Meter
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CAL526 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 526 Differential Pressure Meter
S$ 180.00
Cetm Calibration CAL549i Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 549i Refrigeration Pressure Probe, -14 to 870 Psi
S$ 120.00
Cetm Calibration CAL608-H1 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 608-H1 Thermohygrometer
S$ 120.00
Cetm Calibration CAL608-H2 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 608-H2 Thermohygrometer
S$ 120.00
Cetm Calibration CAL610 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 610 Thermohygrometer
S$ 220.00
Cetm Calibration CAL735-2 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 735-2 Multichannel Thermometer
S$ 130.00
Cetm Calibration CAL925 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, 925 Temperature Measuring Instrument (1-channel, Type-K)
S$ 200.00
Cetm Calibration CALFLK-Ti100 Testo Traceable Calibration by Cetm, FLK-Ti100 9Hz Thermal Imager
S$ 140.00
Cetm Calibration CALPCH600-15H Twintex Traceable Calibration by Cetm, PCH600-15H, D.c. Power Supply, 1500V/400mA
S$ 120.00
Cetm Calibration CALUT210E UNI-T Traceable Calibration by Cetm, UT210E Mini Clamp Meter
S$ 60.00
Cetm Calibration CALUT33A+ Uni-T Traceable Calibration by Cetm, UT33A+ Digital Multimeter
S$ 150.00
Cetm Calibration CALUT373 Uni-T Traceable Calibration by Cetm, UT373 Mini Tachometer
S$ 210.00
Cetm Calibration CALUTD1025CL Uni-T Traceable Calibration by Cetm, UTD1025CL, Handheld Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 25MHz
S$ 70.00
Cetm Calibration CALPD18-20AD Texio Traceable Calibration by Cetm, PD18-20AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 210.00
Cetm Calibration CALUTD1050CL Uni-T Traceable Calibration by Cetm, UTD1050CL, Handheld Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 50MHz
S$ 70.00
Cetm Calibration CALPD36-10AD Texio Traceable Calibration by Cetm, PD36-10AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 70.00
Cetm Calibration CALPD36-20AD Texio Traceable Calibration by Cetm, PD36-20AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 70.00
Cetm Calibration CALPD56-10AD Texio Traceable Calibration by Cetm, PD56-10AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 70.00
Cetm Calibration CALPD56-6AD Texio Traceable Calibration by Cetm, PD56-6AD Dc Power Supply
S$ 60.00
Cetm Calibration CALTS-35 Utica Traceable Calibration by Cetm, TS-35 Torque Limiting Screwdriver 6-36 In.lb
S$ 290.00
Cetm Calibration CALDT80M Thermo Fisher Scientific Traceable Calibration by Cetm, Datataker DT80M Series 3 Data Logger