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SCHNEIDER ELECTRICProgrammable Logic Controllers

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC Programmable Logic Controllers

Page 2 of about 141 results
S$ 328.90
Schneider Electric SR2B121B Compact Smart Relay, Zelio Logic Sr2 Sr3, 12 Io, 24V Ac, Clock, Display
S$ 79.81
Schneider Electric SR2MEM02 Memory Cartridge - for Smart Relay Zelio Logic Firmware - for V 3.0 - Eeprom
S$ 233.52
Schneider Electric TM3DI8 Discrete Input Module, Modicon Tm3, 8 Inputs, Screw, 24V Dc
S$ 230.72
Schneider Electric TM3DQ8T Discrete Output Module, Modicon Tm3, 8 Outputs Transistor Pnp, Screw
S$ 1,085.20
Schneider Electric TM221CE40T Logic Controller, Modicon M221, 40 Io, Transistor, Pnp, Ethernet
S$ 1,042.30
Schneider Electric TM221C40R Logic Controller, Modicon M221, 40 Io, Relay
S$ 383.40
Schneider Electric TM3DI16K Discrete Input Module, Modicon Tm3, 16 Inputs, He10, 24V Dc
S$ 1,048.30
Schneider Electric TM200C60R Controller M200 60I/O Relay
S$ 556.10
Schneider Electric TM200C16R Controller M200 16 Io Relay
S$ 4,469.00
Schneider Electric TM262L10MESE8T Logic Controller, Modicon M262, 5Ns Per Instruction, Ethernet
S$ 159.00
Schneider Electric SR3XT101BD Discrete Io Extension Module, Zelio Logic Sr2 Sr3, 10 Io, 24V Dc
S$ 1,398.10
Schneider Electric TM241CE24R Logic Controller, Modicon M241, 24 Io, Relay, Ethernet
S$ 359.20
Schneider Electric TM3DI16 Discrete Input Module, Modicon Tm3, 16 Inputs, Screw, 24V Dc
S$ 359.20
Schneider Electric TM3DQ16T Discrete Output Module, Modicon Tm3, 16 Outputs Transistor Pnp, Screw
S$ 677.10
Schneider Electric TM200CE24R Controller, Modicon Easy M200, 24 Io, Relay, Ethernet
S$ 373.50
Schneider Electric TM3DQ16R Module Tm3 - 16 Outputs Relays
S$ 1,398.10
Schneider Electric TM241CE24T Logic Controller, Modicon M241, 24 Io, Transistor, Pnp, Ethernet
S$ 1,439.90
Schneider Electric TM251MESC Logic Controller, Modicon M251, Ethernet Can
S$ 788.20
Schneider Electric TM221CE24R Logic Controller, Modicon M221, 24 Io, Relay, Ethernet
S$ 359.20
Schneider Electric TM3DI16G Discrete Input Module, Modicon Tm3, 16 Inputs, Spring, 24V Dc
S$ 545.10
Schneider Electric TM3DI32K Discrete Input Module, Modicon Tm3, 32 Inputs, He10, 24V Dc
S$ 1,573.00
Schneider Electric TM241CEC24T Logic Controller, Modicon M241, 24 Io, Transistor, Pnp, Ethernet, Can Master
S$ 432.30
Schneider Electric SR2B201B Compact Smart Relay, Zelio Logic Sr2 Sr3, 20 Io, 24V Ac, Clock, Display
Bulk Discount
S$ 180.89S$ 207.21
Schneider Electric Compact Smart Relay Zelio Logic - 12 I O - 24 V Dc - Clock - Display SR2B121BD
Bulk Discount
S$ 269.83S$ 309.08
Schneider Electric SR3B261FU Modular Smart Relay Zelio Logic 26 I/O 100-240VAC
Bulk Discount
S$ 183.31S$ 209.98
Schneider Electric SR3B101FU Modular Smart Relay Zelio Logic 10 I/O 100-240VAC
Bulk Discount
S$ 161.86S$ 185.41
Schneider Electric SR2A101BD C/SMART Relay Zelio Logic 10 I/O 24VDC No Clock Display
Bulk Discount
S$ 258.33S$ 295.91
Schneider Electric SR3B261BD Modular Smart Relay Zelio Logic 26 I O 24 V Dc Clock Display
S$ 2,577.86
Schneider Electric BMXAMI0810H Analog Isolated High Level Input Module, Modicon X80, 8 Inputs, 0 to 20mA / 4 to 20mA, 10V Positive or Negative, for Severe Environments
Bulk Discount
S$ 180.89S$ 207.21
Schneider Electric SR2B121FU Se Zelio Smart Relay
Bulk Discount
S$ 95.31S$ 109.18
Schneider Electric SR3XT141FU Se 14 I/O Rel. Extension for 100-240VAC
Bulk Discount
S$ 237.76S$ 272.35
Schneider Electric SR2B201BD Se Zelio 20I/O
Bulk Discount
S$ 199.04S$ 228.00
Schneider Electric SR2D201FU Se Zelio Smart Relay
Bulk Discount
S$ 161.86S$ 185.41
Schneider Electric SR2A101FU Se Zelio Smart Relay
Bulk Discount
S$ 134.64S$ 154.22
Schneider Electric SR2D101FU Se Zelio Smart Relay
Bulk Discount
S$ 222.64S$ 255.02
Schneider Electric SR2A201FU Se Zelio
Bulk Discount
S$ 237.76S$ 272.35
Schneider Electric SR2B201FU Se Zelio Smart Relay
Bulk Discount
S$ 95.31S$ 109.18
Schneider Electric SR3XT141BD Se Zelio I/O Extension
S$ 5,760.31
Schneider Electric BMEP581020 Standalone Processor, Modicon M580, 4MB, 61 Ethernet Devices, 4 Local Io Racks of 1024 Digital, 256 Analog
S$ 2,171.22
Schneider Electric TM241CEC24U Logic Controller, Modicon M241, 24 Io, Transistor, Npn, Ethernet Can Master
S$ 2,336.11
Schneider Electric BMXP342000 Processor, Modicon M340, Max 1024 Discrete, 256 Analog Io, Modbus
S$ 2,125.88
Schneider Electric METSEPM89M2600 Powerlogic PM8000 - I/O Module - Digital - 6 Inputs + 2 Relays Outputs
S$ 316.01
Schneider Electric MTN6810-0102 MTN6810 Dimming Controller Dimming Controller, Din Rail Mount, 230 V
S$ 674.59
Schneider Electric TM168B23S TM168B Series Plc Cpu, Relay Output, 5 (analogue), 7 (Digital)-Input, Analogue, Digital Input
S$ 198.37
Schneider Electric TM5ACSLCM8FS TM5AC Series Logic Controller for Use With Modicon TM5
S$ 860.81
Schneider Electric TWDLMDA40DTK Twido Series Logic Module, 24 V Dc Supply, Analogue, Transistor Output
S$ 485.67
Schneider Electric TWDLMDA20DRT Twido Series Logic Module, 24 V Dc Supply, Analogue, Relay Output
S$ 816.92
Schneider Electric XPSMCMC10804 Xpsmcm Series Controller for Use With Expansion Modules, 24 V Dc Supply, Pnp Output, 8-Input, Pnp,
S$ 850.30
Schneider Electric XPSMCMC10804B Xpsmcm Series Controller for Use With Expansion Modules, 24 V Dc Supply, Pnp Output, 8-Input, Pnp,
S$ 868.40
Schneider Electric XPSMCMC10804BG Xpsmcm Series Controller for Use With Expansion Modules, 24 V Dc Supply, Pnp Output, 8-Input, Pnp,
S$ 907.59
Schneider Electric XPSMCMC10804G Xpsmcm Series Controller for Use With Expansion Modules, 24 V Dc Supply, Pnp Output, 8-Input, Pnp,
S$ 750.13
Schneider Electric XPSMCMCP0802BCG Xpsmcm Series Controller for Use With Expansion Modules, 24 V Dc Supply, Pnp Output, 8-Input, Pnp,
S$ 2,902.60
Schneider Electric 171CBU98090 Communication Module, 4.75 → 5.25 V Supply, 2048-Input
S$ 3,226.58
Schneider Electric LSS100100 Lss Series Logic Controller for Use With Spacelynk, 4-Input, Physical Input
S$ 7,658.73
Schneider Electric TM262M35MESS8T M262 Series Logic Controller, 24 V Supply, Transistor Output, 4-Input, Digital Input
S$ 4,406.54
Schneider Electric TM262M25MESS8T M262 Series Logic Controller, 24 V Supply, Transistor Output, 4-Input, Digital Input
S$ 783.23
Schneider Electric TM241C24T Modicon M241 Series Logic Controller, 24 V Dc Supply, Transistor Output, 24-Input, Current, Voltage
S$ 1,235.26
Schneider Electric BMEP58CPROS3 Modicon M580 Series Module, Analogue Input
S$ 19,950.44
Schneider Electric BMEP584040S Modicon M580 Series I/O Module, Analogue Input
S$ 1,139.88
Schneider Electric TM241CEC24R Modicon M241 Series Plc Cpu, Relay Output, 14-Input