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Bench & Hand Vices products

Page 2 of about 365 results
Top Brands for Bench & Hand Vices
S$ 42.42
Multicomp Pro MP007100 MULTI-ANGLE Bench Vice, Alum, 55MM, 75MM
S$ 29.54
Multicomp Pro MP007099 Hobby Bench Vice, Alum Alloy, 50MM, 60MM
S$ 67.84
Multicomp Pro MP007101 Vice, Universal Suction, 70MM, 70MM
S$ 19.06
Multicomp Pro MP007098 Mini Bench Vice, Alum Alloy, 30MM, 40MM
S$ 25.43
Multicomp Pro MP012552 Mini Vice, 30MM Capacity
S$ 131.90
Rs Pro 829-6142 Tools Drill Press Vice
S$ 308.36
Kennedy KEN4452060K Bench Vice, 150mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 43.69
Kennedy KEN5181260K Pin Vice, 0.25 to 2.5mm, Steel
S$ 18.55
Kennedy KEN5184400K Precision Vice, 1-1/4", Steel
S$ 210.61
Kennedy KEN4450250K Bench Vice, 125mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 505.14
Kennedy KEN4450280K Bench Vice, 200mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 564.24
Kennedy KEN4450540K Bench Vice, 150mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Steel
S$ 7.54
Kennedy KEN5181230K Pin Vice, 1.3 to 3.1mm, Steel
S$ 24.83
Kennedy KEN5184410K Precision Vice, 2-1/4", Steel
S$ 9.43
Kennedy KEN5181240K Pin Vice, 3 to 4.8mm, Steel
S$ 470.56
Kennedy KEN5888040K Pipe Vice, 10 to 85mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 27.35
Kennedy KEN5184420K Precision Vice, 2-3/4", Steel
S$ 956.53
Kennedy KEN4450300K Bench Vice, 205mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Steel
S$ 413.98
Kennedy KEN5888020K Pipe Vice, 8 to 55mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 29.23
Kennedy KEN5181200K Pin Vice, 0 to 5mm, Steel
S$ 300.19
Kennedy KEN4450260K Bench Vice, 150mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 1,031.03
Kennedy KEN5888240K Pipe Vice, 10 to 85mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 39.92
Kennedy KEN5184430K Precision Vice, 3-1/2", Steel
S$ 202.12
Kennedy KEN4452040K Bench Vice, 100mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 318.11
Kennedy KEN4450500K Bench Vice, 100mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Steel
S$ 91.47
Kennedy KEN4450230K Bench Vice, 75mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 7.54
Kennedy KEN5181220K Pin Vice, 0.8 to 1.5mm, Steel
S$ 7.54
Kennedy KEN5181210K Pin Vice, 0 to 1mm, Steel
S$ 258.82
Atlas Workholders ATL4452010K Precision Vice, 63mm, Bolt or Clamp Mount, Fixed Base, Carbon Steel
S$ 387.13
Atlas Workholders ATL4450150K Machine Vice, 160mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Steel
S$ 1,278.68
Indexa IND4450180K Drill Press Vice, 100mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 531.47
Indexa IND4450430K Precision Vice, 73mm, Bolt or Clamp Mount, Fixed Base, Alloy Steel
S$ 505.37
Kennedy KEN4450280K Bench Vice, 200mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 9.43
Kennedy KEN5181240K Pin Vice, 3 to 4.8mm, Steel
S$ 39.94
Kennedy KEN5184430K Precision Vice, 3-1/2", Steel
S$ 470.78
Kennedy KEN5888040K Pipe Vice, 10 to 85mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 543.42
Indexa IND4450330K Precision Vice, 63mm, Bolt or Clamp Mount, Fixed Base, Alloy Steel
S$ 414.17
Kennedy KEN5888020K Pipe Vice, 8 to 55mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 581.47
Atlas Workholders ATL4451200K Machine Vice, 200mm, Bolt Mount, Swivel Base, Steel
S$ 318.25
Kennedy KEN4450500K Bench Vice, 100mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Steel
S$ 7.55
Kennedy KEN5181220K Pin Vice, 0.8 to 1.5mm, Steel
S$ 7.55
Kennedy KEN5181210K Pin Vice, 0 to 1mm, Steel
S$ 43.71
Kennedy KEN5181260K Pin Vice, 0.25 to 2.5mm, Steel
S$ 300.33
Kennedy KEN4450260K Bench Vice, 150mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 18.55
Kennedy KEN5184400K Precision Vice, 1-1/4", Steel
S$ 43.71
Senator SEN4450600K Bench Vice, 60mm, Clamp Mount, Swivel Base, Cast Iron
S$ 1,031.50
Kennedy KEN5888240K Pipe Vice, 10 to 85mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 533.99
Atlas Workholders ATL4452050K Precision Vice, 100mm, Bolt or Clamp Mount, Fixed Base, Carbon Steel
S$ 142.46
Atlas Workholders ATL4450310K Precision Vice, 25mm, Bolt or Clamp Mount, Fixed Base, Carbon Steel
S$ 202.21
Kennedy KEN4452040K Bench Vice, 100mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 24.84
Kennedy KEN5184410K Precision Vice, 2-1/4", Steel
S$ 218.25
Senator SEN4450530K Bench Vice, 150mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 186.17
Atlas Workholders ATL4451100K Machine Vice, 100mm, Bolt Mount, Swivel Base, Steel
S$ 161.01
Atlas Workholders ATL4450100K Machine Vice, 100mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Steel
S$ 91.51
Kennedy KEN4450230K Bench Vice, 75mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 192.15
Indexa IND4450030K Drill Press Vice, 120mm, Bolt or Clamp Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 154.72
Indexa IND4450020K Drill Press Vice, 100mm, Bolt or Clamp Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 1,192.51
Indexa IND4450170K Drill Press Vice, 80mm, Bolt Mount, Fixed Base, Cast Iron
S$ 27.36
Kennedy KEN5184420K Precision Vice, 2-3/4", Steel
S$ 7.55
Kennedy KEN5181230K Pin Vice, 1.3 to 3.1mm, Steel