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Voltage References products

Page 4 of about 907 results
Top Brands for Voltage References
S$ 7.28
Analog Devices LT1790BCS6-3#TRPBF Volt Ref, 3V, TSOT-23-6, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 6.89
Analog Devices LT1790BCS6-2.5#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 2.5V, TSOT-23-6, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 10.80
Analog Devices LT6654BHS6-3#WTRMPBF Volt Ref, 3V, TSOT-23, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 35.32
Analog Devices LT1461AIS8-3.3#PBF Volt Ref, 3.3V, SOIC-8, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 13.45
Analog Devices LT1461CIS8-3#PBF Volt Ref, 3V, SOIC-8, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 10.64
Analog Devices LT1461CCS8-5#PBF Volt Ref, 5V, SOIC-8, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 8.46
Analog Devices LT1790BIS6-1.25#TRPBF Volt Ref, 1.25V, TSOT-23, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 15.36
Analog Devices LT1009IS8#PBF Volt Ref, 2.5V, SOIC-8, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 27.96
Analog Devices LT1027BCN8-5#PBF Volt Ref, DIP-8, 5V, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 6.97
Analog Devices LT1460GIZ-5#PBF Volt Ref, 5V, TO-92-3, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 11.09
Analog Devices LT1461DHS8-4#PBF Volt Ref, 4V, SOIC-8, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 16.15
Analog Devices LT1790AIS6-2.048#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 2.048V, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 19.21
Analog Devices LT1021CCN8-10#PBF Volt Ref, DIP-8, 10V, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 21.46
Analog Devices LT1019CN8-5#PBF Volt Ref, DIP-8, 5V, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 12.84
Analog Devices LT1460FCMS8-5#PBF Volt Ref, 5V, MSOP-8, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 29.36
Analog Devices LT1019AIS8-2.5#PBF Volt Ref, SOIC-8, 2.5V, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 11.12
Analog Devices LT1009S8#PBF Volt Ref, 2.5V, SOIC-8, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 32.15
Analog Devices LT1019ACN8-2.5#PBF Volt Ref, DIP-8, 2.5V, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 16.62
Analog Devices LT1004IS8-2.5#PBF Volt Ref, 2.5V, SOIC-8, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 13.55
Analog Devices LT1790ACS6-4.096#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 4.096V, TSOT-23, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 22.92
Analog Devices LT1019CS8-2.5#PBF Volt Ref, SOIC-8, 2.5V, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 8.20
Analog Devices LT1460KCS3-2.5#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 2.5V, SOT-23-3, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 8.93
Analog Devices LT1790BIS6-2.5#TRPBF Volt Ref, 2.5V, TSOT-23, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 18.22
Analog Devices LT1634BIS8-2.5#PBF Volt Ref, 2.5V, SOIC-8, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 8.56
Analog Devices LT1790BIS6-3.3#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 3.3V, TSOT-23, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 11.75
Analog Devices LT6656BIS6-1.25#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 1.25V, TSOT-23, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 23.52
Analog Devices LT1634ACS8-2.5#PBF Volt Ref, 2.5V, SOIC-8, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 16.02
Analog Devices LT1021DCS8-5#TRPBF Volt Ref, SOIC-8, 5V, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 12.79
Analog Devices LT1790AIS6-5#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 5V, TSOT-23-6, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 16.15
Analog Devices LT1790AIS6-3#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 3V, TSOT-23-6, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 13.19
Analog Devices LT6654AHS6-5#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 5V, TSOT-23, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 18.02
Analog Devices LT1021DCS8-10#TRPBF Volt Ref, SOIC-8, 10V, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 16.79
Analog Devices LT1034BCZ-1.2#PBF Volt Ref, TO-92-3, 1.2V, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 9.70
Analog Devices LT1634BCS8-5#PBF Volt Ref, 5V, SOIC-8, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 10.64
Analog Devices LT6656BCS6-1.25#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 1.25V, TSOT-23-6, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 17.06
Analog Devices LT6657BHMS8-5#PBF Volt Ref, 5V, Msop, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 15.82
Analog Devices LT6657BHMS8-2.5#PBF Volt Ref, 2.5V, Msop, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 10.99
Analog Devices LT6656BIS6-3#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 3V, TSOT-23-6, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 15.64
Analog Devices LT6658AIMSE-5#PBF Volt Ref, 5V, MSOP-16, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 7.50
Analog Devices LT6660HCDC-3.3#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 3.3V, Dfn, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 18.70
Analog Devices LT6658AHMSE-5#PBF Volt Ref, 5V, MSOP-16, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 31.70
Analog Devices LTC6655BHLS8-4.096#PBF Volt Ref, 4.096V, LCC-8, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 24.60
Analog Devices LT1019CS8-10#PBF Volt Ref, SOIC-8, 10V, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 24.96
Analog Devices LTC6655BHMS8-1.25#TRPBF Volt Ref, 1.25V, MSOP-8, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 26.84
Analog Devices LTC6655LNBHMS8-5#PBF Volt Ref, 5V, MSOP-8, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 27.64
Analog Devices LTC6655BHMS8-2.5#PBF Volt Ref, 2.5V, MSOP-8, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 23.88
Analog Devices LTC6655CHLS8-5#PBF Volt Ref, 5V, LCC-8, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 18.49
Analog Devices LT1460ACS8-5#PBF Volt Ref, 5V, SOIC-8, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 18.40
Analog Devices LT1389BCS8-1.25#PBF Volt Ref, SOIC-8, 1.25V, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 18.37
Analog Devices ADR3625BRMZ Voltage Reference, Msop, -40 to 125DEGC
S$ 160.92
Analog Devices LTZ1000ACH#PBF Volt Ref, 7.2V, TO-5-8, -55 to 125DEG C
S$ 9.94
Analog Devices LT1460JCS3-5#TRMPBF Volt Ref, 5V, SOT-23-3, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 41.04
Analog Devices ADR1399KHZ Volt Ref, 7.05V, TO-46, 0 to 70DEG C
S$ 24.06
Analog Devices LT1461BIS8-3.3#PBF Volt Ref, 3.3V, SOIC-8, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 5.70
Analog Devices LM4040AIM3-5.0+T Voltage Ref, Shunt, 5V, SOT23-3
S$ 10.03
Analog Devices REF196GSZ Volt Ref, 3.3V, NSOIC-8, -40 to 85DEG C
S$ 14.80
Analog Devices ADR3630ARMZ Volt Ref, MSOP-8, 3V, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 31.22
Analog Devices AD580JH Volt Ref, TO-52-3, -55 to 125DEG C
S$ 17.16
Analog Devices ADR3630BRMZ Volt Ref, MSOP-8, 3V, -40 to 125DEG C
S$ 4.55
Analog Devices ADR3540WARMZ-R7 Volt Ref, 4.096, Msop, -40 to 125DEG C