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MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 89694 0985 342 104/1,5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard to Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable, Shielded, 30 V Ac / 42 V Dc, 1.5 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 82110 0985 342 104/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard to Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable, Shielded, 30 V Ac / 42 V Dc, 1.5 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934716001 0985 342 117/0,5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard to Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 14104 0985 342 131/0,3 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Angled D-coded Black M12 Standard to Male Angled D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 20405 0985 342 133/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Angled D-coded Black M12 Standard to Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 3443 0985 342 133/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Angled D-coded Black M12 Standard to Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934715016 0985 342 S4723/0,5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard to Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934716017 0985 342 S4724/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard to Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934716018 0985 342 S4724/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard to Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934716019 0985 342 S4724/5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard to Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934688015 0985 508 120/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Railway, Male, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934688011 0985 508 120/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Railway, Male, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934688018 0985 508 121/0,5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight D-coded Black M12 Railway to Male Straight D-coded Black M12 Railway, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934802001 0985 508 123/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Railway, Male, Angled, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934802002 0985 508 123/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Railway, Male, Angled, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
US $
Lumberg Automation 934802003 0985 508 123/5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Railway, Male, Angled, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 2126 0985 S4742 502/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable to Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable, Shielded, 30 V Ac / 42 V Dc, 1.5 A; Tpe Green Cable, 4-wires, 0.38 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 9396 BRSTS 8X-BRSTS 4D-508/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight X-coded Black M12 Railway to Male Straight D-coded Black M12 Railway, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 0.5 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934845003 RKTS 8Y-922/10 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Hybrid, Female, Straight, 8-pin, Y-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V AC/ Dc, 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934845004 RKTS 8Y-922/15 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Hybrid, Female, Straight, 8-pin, Y-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V AC/ Dc, 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
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MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934845001 RKTS 8Y-922/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Hybrid, Female, Straight, 8-pin, Y-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V AC/ Dc, 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934845002 RKTS 8Y-922/5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Hybrid, Female, Straight, 8-pin, Y-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V AC/ Dc, 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966303 RSTS 8Y-RSTS 8Y-922/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid to Male Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966203 RSTS 8Y-RKHS 8Y-922/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid to Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid Receptacle, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75…
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966204 RSTS 8Y-RKHS 8Y-922/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid to Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid Receptacle, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75…
US $
Lumberg Automation 934925003 RSHS 8Y-922/10 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Hybrid Receptacle, Male, Straight, 8-pin, Y-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V AC/ Dc, 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934925001 RSHS 8Y-922/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Hybrid Receptacle, Male, Straight, 8-pin, Y-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V AC/ Dc, 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934925002 RSHS 8Y-922/5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Hybrid Receptacle, Male, Straight, 8-pin, Y-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V AC/ Dc, 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
US $
Lumberg Automation 12036 0985 342 122/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 to Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 30 V Ac / 42 V Dc, 1.5 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934717002 0985 342 118/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Standard, Female, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934717003 0985 342 118/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Standard, Female, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
US $
Lumberg Automation 3451 0985 342 134/10 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Angled D-coded Black M12 Standard to Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable, Shielded, 30 V Ac / 42 V Dc, 1.5 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 993 0985 342 502/10 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable to Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable, Shielded, 30 V Ac / 42 V Dc, 1.5 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934716016 0985 342 S4724/0,5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard to Female Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 2123 0985 S4742 502/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable to Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable, Shielded, 30 V Ac / 42 V Dc, 1.5 A; Tpe Green Cable, 4-wires, 0.38 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934926003 RKHS 8Y-922/10 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Hybrid Receptacle, Female, Straight, 8-pin, Y-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V AC/ Dc, 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 108549 0985 342 100/0,3 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard to Male Straight D-coded Black M12 Standard, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934636933 0985 342 102/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Standard, Male, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 11833 0985 342 102/1,5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Standard, Male, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 75631 0985 342 102/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Standard, Male, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 91037 0985 342 102/3 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Standard, Male, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934717001 0985 342 118/0,5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Standard, Female, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934636800 0985 342 130/0,3 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Standard, Male, Angled, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 2521 0985 342 130/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Standard, Male, Angled, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 1464 0985 342 502/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable to Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable, Shielded, 30 V Ac / 42 V Dc, 1.5 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 9937 0985 508 120/3 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Railway, Male, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 15
US $
Lumberg Automation 17390 0985 508 120/4 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Railway, Male, Straight, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934688020 0985 508 121/1,5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight D-coded Black M12 Railway to Male Straight D-coded Black M12 Railway, Shielded, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
US $
Lumberg Automation 934802004 0985 508 123/10 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Single-Ended Cordset: M12 Railway, Male, Angled, 4-pin, D-coded, Shielded, Black Body, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A; X-FRNC Black Cable, 4-wires, 0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 8833 0985 S4742 502/1,5 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable to Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable, Shielded, 30 V Ac / 42 V Dc, 1.5 A; Tpe Green Cable, 4-wires, 0.38 Mm²
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966101 RKTS 8Y-RKTS 8Y-922/0,3 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid to Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966102 RKTS 8Y-RKTS 8Y-922/0,6 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid to Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966103 RKTS 8Y-RKTS 8Y-922/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid to Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75 Mm²
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966202 RSTS 8Y-RKHS 8Y-922/0,6 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid to Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid Receptacle, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75…
MOQ: 10
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966501 RSHS 8Y-RKTS 8Y-922/0,3 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid Receptacle to Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75…
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966502 RSHS 8Y-RKTS 8Y-922/0,6 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid Receptacle to Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75…
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966503 RSHS 8Y-RKTS 8Y-922/1 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid Receptacle to Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75…
US $
Lumberg Automation 934966504 RSHS 8Y-RKTS 8Y-922/2 M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid Receptacle to Female Straight Y-coded Black M12 Hybrid, Shielded, 50 V AC/ Dc, Power: 6 A; Data: 0.5 A; Pur Black Cable, 8-wires, Data: 4x0.15 Mm² + Power: 4x0.75…
MOQ: 5
US $
Lumberg Automation 1036 0985 342 502/1M Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Double-Ended Cordset: Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable to Male Straight RJ45-coded Black RJ45 Field Attachable, Shielded, 30 V Ac / 42 V Dc, 1.5 A; Pur Green Cable, 4-wires, 2x2x0.34 Mm²
MOQ: 25
US $
Lumberg Automation 934451021 EF12L OCTOPUS Fast Ethernet Cat5e Data Receptacle Connector: Female, Rear Mount, M12 - Mating Side, Print Contacts - Connecting Side, 4-pin, D-coded, Unshielded, Metallic Grey Housing, 50 V Ac / 60 V Dc, 4 A