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Philips PLC26W/82/4P Lamp Compact Fluo 26W G24Q3 4P
Philips PLC26W/82/4P Lamp Compact Fluo 26W G24Q3 4P
Technical Data Sheets
Product Description

Philips PLC26W/82/4P Lamp Compact Fluo 26W G24Q3 4P

MASTER PL-C is an efficient medium-wattage compact fluorescent lamp, typically used in general downlights for retail, hospitality and office applications. The original Philips-invented bridge technology guarantees optimum performance in the application, enabling more light and higher efficacy than the bended technology. The 4-pin version is designed for operation on electronic HF control gear with integrated pre-heat and is provided with a plug-in/pull-out lamp base.

S$ 4.40
(exc. GST)
S$ 4.80
(inc. GST)
UnitsDiscountUnit Price
1-S$ 4.40
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