Benefits for your application
– Reliable dry lubrication from high to extreme temperatures
– Prevents seizing of pins and hinges
– Proven effectiveness as a long-lasting coating on non-ferrous metal foundry ladles
WOLFRAKOTE TOP PASTE is a gray high temperature lubricating paste based on high quality synthetic hydrocarbons and temperature resistant lubricating solids. At “normal temperatures” it is an efficient lubricant with a high load capacity and a highly adherent assembly paste on metals. At constant high temperatures, the lubricating solids contained in WOLFRAKOTE TOP PASTE remain in the friction zone and counteract adhesive wear from seizing or material transfer
WOLFRAKOTE TOP PASTE has proven its effectiveness in the initial lubrication of chains at high temperatures. It can also be used to lubricate screws, pins and hinges exposed to extreme temperatures. In non-ferrous metal foundries WOLFRAKOTE TOP PASTE is used as a coating for veils, crystals, pouring and feed channels. WOLFRAKOTE TOP PASTE is also suitable as a
separating and assembly paste in inserted figures, ejectors and guides and as a separating paste in electrical heating elements in hot chamber machines.