The Dionex IonPac UTAC-ULP2 Ultra Low-Pressure Trace Anion Concentrator Column is designed primarily for high-purity water analysis and features improved backpressure resilience compared to Dionex IonPac UTAC-ULP1 column. It can be used in systems with hydroxide, carbonate/bicarbonate, or borate eluents. Loading can be achieved with a syringe, autosampler with concentrator mode, or Dionex AXP pump.
Reduce Detection Limits in Water Analysis by 2-5 Orders of Magnitude
Dionex IonPac anion concentrator columns are designed primarily for high-purity water analysis. The concentrator column retains anions from a measured volume of aqueous sample matrix, concentrating the analyte species and lowering detection limits by 2-5 orders of magnitude.
Choose from three pressure formats:
Engineered for superior chromatographic performance