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Braun IRT6520 Thermoscan™ 7 Ear Thermometer
Braun IRT6520 Thermoscan™ 7 Ear Thermometer
B. Braun
Product Description

Braun IRT6520 ThermoScan™ 7 Ear Thermometer

Braun ThermoScan 7 is the flagship product of Braun thermometers. This ear thermometer features the new patented Age Precision Technology – an age-adjustable fever guidance which completely takes the guesswork out of interpreting child’s temperature.

Clinical research shows that the definition of fever changes with a child’s age. What is a normal temperature in a four year old, can be a fever in a newborn. Age is the determining factor. To help you interpret your child’s temperature more confidently, we have developed the new Braun ThermoScan 7 (IRT6520) with patented Age Precision technology. Simply select your child’s age, take their temperature and the colour coded display will help you understand the temperature reading, based on the age of the child, and act accordingly.

Pre-Warmed Tip

Braun ThermoScan 7 thermometer features a patented Pre-Warmed Tip that minimizes the cooling of the ear, where the reading is taken. Other thermometers can cool the area within the ear where the temperature is being measured, resulting in variable or inaccurate readings. Tip on the ThermoScan 7 is pre-warmed to 34 °C before use. Therefore it ensures the accuracy of the readings. Also the soft speculum and tip ensures the thermometer is gentle and comfortable on the ear.

Age Precision and ExacTemp Technologies.

Definition of the fever changes with the age. Therefore before measuring the temperature, you need to set the age using the age precision button (You can watch the video above, for a very clear guidance). After that you have to insert Braun ThermoScan 7, into the ear of the person, whose temperature should be measured. Now you can take the temperature by pressing the Measuring button. ExacTemp® guidance system confirms a secure position and accurate reading with a light and a beep. This will take only few seconds.

S$ 118.80
(exc. GST)
S$ 129.49
(inc. GST)
UnitsDiscountUnit Price
1-S$ 118.80
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