Belzona SuperWrap II is a composite repair solution designed to restore strength to weakened or holed metallic substrates. Developed for applications on pipes and process vessels, it is also suitable for safety critical and pressurised systems, and can be used on bends, tees and other complex geometries. A unique combination of a 100% solids resin, carbon and glass fibre reinforcement sheet, and a compression film ensures a quick and simple application. It can remain maintenance-free for up to 20 years.
A two-component high temperature resin for use with Belzona 9381 (reinforcement) in SuperWrap II composite repairs for service temperatures up to 302 °F (150 °C) and suitable for minimum application temperature of 41 °F (5 °C)
Belzona SuperWrap II Components:
Belzona 1983 Belzona 9381 Glass and carbon fibre blend reinforcement sheet Belzona 9382 Release film for wrap consolidation