System pro M compact S200 miniature circuit breakers are current limiting. They have two different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection. They are available in different characteristics (B,C,D,K,Z), configurations (1P,1P+N,2P,3P,3P+N,4P), breaking capacities (up to 6 kA at 230/400 V AC) and rated currents (up to 63A). All MCBs of the product range S200 comply with IEC/EN 60898-1, IEC/EN 60947-2, UL1077 allowing the use for residential, commercial and industrial applications. Bottom-fitting auxiliary contact can be mounted on S200 to save 50% space.
Product Net Width:35 mm
Product Net Height:88 mm
Product Net Depth / Length:69 mm
Product Net Weight:0.25 kg
Unit of measurement : Pcs
Standards:IEC/EN 60898-1
IEC/EN 60947-2
UL 1077
Tripping Characteristic:K
Rated Operational Voltage:acc. to IEC 60898-1 400 V AC
acc. to IEC 60947-2 440 V AC
Operational Voltage:Maximum (Incl. Tolerance) 125 V DC
Maximum (Incl. Tolerance) 440 V AC
Rated Insulation Voltage (Ui):acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1 440 V
Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage (Uimp):4 kV
at 2000 m 5 kV
at Sea Level 6.2 kV
Dielectric Test Voltage:50/60 Hz, 1 min: 2 kV
Input Voltage Type:AC/DC
Rated Current (In):2 A
Rated Short-Circuit Capacity:(AC) 6 kA
(DC) 6 kA
(400 V AC) 6 kA
Rated Ultimate Short-Circuit Breaking Capacity (Icu):(125 V DC) 10 kA
(230 V AC) 20 kA
(400 V AC) 10 kA
(440 V AC) 10 kA
(48 V DC) 20 kA
Rated Conditional Short-Circuit Current (Inc):(230 V) 20 kA
(400 V) 20 kA
Rated Service Short-Circuit Breaking Capacity (Ics):(230 V AC) 15 kA